By not stepping up on your content marketing game, you may be passing up on potential avenues for growth.

97% of 1,500 content marketers in a survey conducted by SEMrush claimed that content marketing has become a core channel in their overall marketing strategy.¹ However, as clear as the impact of content marketing on business growth, only 19% of the respondents said that they have a matured content marketing strategy. 

Learn why and how you can leverage this to unlock a new revenue engine for your business.

What challenges do marketers face in scaling their content marketing channel?

Content marketing is not as simple as writing content. There’s a lot that goes into ranking, getting clicks and winning your target audience.

  • Copy/content production - to start off, creatives in any format requires an expert in the matter in order to deliver a real impact to content consumers.  Finding a good content creator is a big challenge especially for products that are highly technical. Let's face it, an audience smarter than you is a tough crowd.
    Because of high demand, good content creators such as copywriters are scarce and expensive.

  • SEO - for an article to rank on relevant searches, it needs to be optimized for the search engines. This requires skills and time and despite of SEO becoming an increasingly popular profession, it’s still a unique talent to hunt for today. 

  • Lack of knowledge - Content marketing is highly strategic and requires deep knowledge of new trends. Honing the strategy takes longer than other marketing channels and to improve, it requires accurate analytics around the metrics that matter to your business.

  • Technical overhead - Another blocker is the complexity of building the tools necessary for content production: CMS, analytics tools to name a few. Although there are CMS solutions out there, if you want to have a scalable system, it needs to be highly customisable which requires dev effort. Most developers are not SEO-savvy which makes the implementation more challenging.

These challenges might sound intimidating but with proper execution, content marketing could grow into a massive revenue engine. As your content gains traction on the internet, you’ll start to see more passive results coming. 

Why should I invest in content marketing?

There are many marketing channels worth investing in but why should content marketing be one of them?

  • Passive growth - in comparison to paid channels where you can easily spend €350 - €1000 a day, an investment in high-quality, evergreen content that costs  €300 -  €600 can bring you passive results for as long as it lives which in turn, reduce your CPA(Cost Per Acquisition).

  • Sustainable growth - a content that resonates well with your audience is always well received. It’s a non-intrusive way of introducing your product to your target audience and answers their needs which bring a more positive impact to your brand.

  • It’s more sticky - there are thousands of searches every month and often with strong intent as readers go on search engines to look for answers. Reading an engaging article is often more sticky than finding a post on social media channels or seeing a flashy display ad.

How much marketer’s spend on content marketing?

Companies embrace content marketing as a research conducted by Hubspot says 99% of 600 respondents confirmed that they allocate 31-50% of their marketing budget on content marketing.² 

In real numbers, 26% of the marketers surveyed said that they spend between $40K to $80K and 16% spend $100K-200K of their quarterly budget on content marketing.

What to consider before taking the leap into content marketing?

It’s important to keep in mind that content marketing is a long-term strategy. Most content take 3 - 6 months to gain traction, however, the results could be very rewarding. On top of this, there are a few more things to consider before taking the leap:

  • Understand your metrics - some companies prioritize bringing faster results rather than investing in long-term channels like content marketing. This could be due to an upcoming financial report or a funding round. Asses your short and long-term goals and see where content marketing fits the best.

  • Learn the tools and software you need - high ranking brands invest a lot in tools. A full stack content marketing uses 4 - 6 tools to get ahead of the competition. This often includes a keyword research tool, an analytics tool, grammar tools and an SEO auditing tool. It’s important to understand the cost of these tools and account for them when planning for the channel’s budget.

  • How they fit in your marketing stack - If you have other channels, it’s worth mapping out how they will work in coordination with your content marketing strategy. For instance, sharing your content on social media channels helps boost its exposure so it might be worth putting a process in place to have both channels seamlessly working together. 

  • Decide how much budget to spend - content marketing is a channel that requires investment of time and money to get considerable results. It’s worth assessing how each existing channels perform and double down on what works.

Leapfrog your content marketing growth in 3 months!

Scaling your content marketing channel takes time, expertise and a lot of resources and if it’s in your radar for the next big thing in your marketing strategy, we have just the right solution for you. 

We offer an all in, done-for-you content marketing service where we build your blog from the grounds up. Here’s what included in our offer:

  • Keyword research

  • Content calendar

  • Content production

  • Infographics

  • CTA copy

  • SEO Optimisation

  • Analytics

We’re not just an agency, depending on the volume you need, we dedicate a full team to work on scaling your blog and you will have their full undivided attention to scale your blog from zero to hero.

If this sounds interesting to you, reach out to our team and get your free audit and strategy call today!

1. SEMrush Research

2. Hubspot Research

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